
Mixed Reality

By using HoloLens API, Unity and C++ libraries we bring data into a spatial space and allow the user to interact with the data with his hands.

Our first prototype was data on terrorism activities displayed as a 3 dimensional scatter plot. Our second prototype, was submitted as part of the Police Hackathon in where we replace the crisis center which is paper based, into a virtual room where real-time data of the events could be seen. A real-life scenario of an emergency in a Psychiatric Hospital was used where 

Face Analysis

Using AWS Neptune database, SageMaker coupled with Rekognition we were able to build an algorithm in an app built in React Native.

Users are able to immediately sign-in through Google where we can import their pictures and create their profiles. As they swipe we match their profiles with other users. We have also embedded a QR coupon system to be used in stores.

Vocabulary Creation

We implemented an algorithm using Azure Synapse, ML and other Python libraries to create an effective LLM that predicts the next topics on ESG.

We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to extract Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics and analysed them over time to make future predictions.

We covered textual data from 10-K annual reports of 154 publicly listed companies in the S&P 500 from 2009 to 2022. The prototype shows the significance of a continuously learning ESG dictionary and its ability to capture evolving ESG concepts over time.


Virality Analysis

Using Azure ML, Synapse and other technologies we are building a prototype that will become the platform for Advertising Agencies.

Campaignster is a SaaS that aims to help every media buyer improve their ROAS by never spending a dollar on bad performing creatives ever again.


Human Analysis

By implanting AWS components such as SageMaker, Amplify, and other libraries. We have created an application where we can use AI to analyse better the human health and make better predictions.

Getting the trainer closer than ever to his clients. An easier follow-up, a timed tracking, an overall gain of time management and money. To solve all of this issue, we are proposing a platform which is meant for trainers to have a complete holistic view of what their customers are doing and track their sessions in a way that works for them. We follow workouts, nutrition, and chiropractic sessions all human centred.